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Boatersland Marine > Anchor/Docking > Marker Buoys > Taylor Made Sur-Mark Marker Buoys

Taylor Made Sur-Mark Marker Buoys

Sur-Mark and Sur-MarkII regulatory buoys are molded from tough UV protected polyethylene. One-piece seamless construction, internal concrete ballast, recessed galvanized eye; both styles stand upright for storage. Color labels (sold separately) fit both styles.
Stock No. Style Ht. 
Col. Dia.
Ring Dia.
Visible Ht
Above Waterline
#46103 Sur-Mark II 61" 9" ---- 15 37"
#46104 Sur-Mark 49" 10" 18" 40 39"


Sur-Mark Buoy Labels

  • Fade resistant, self-adhesive vinyl marker labels.
  • Brightly colored for high visibility.
  • Two labels required per buoy (sold in pairs).
  • Each label is 13" wide x 24" long to fit either Sur-Mark or SurMarkII.
  • All labels are warranted for 5 years against weathering or fading.


Taylor Made Sur-Mark Buoy Labels - 46180 - 5 MPH - Clearance
Taylor Made Sur-Mark II Marker Buoy
Taylor Made Sur-Mark Marker Buoy

Taylor Made Sur-Mark Buoy Labels - 46180 - 5 MPH - Clearance

Option 1: 46180 - 5 MPH

List Price: $62.09 save 72%
Regular price: $50.99
Sale Price: $17.50

Taylor Made Sur-Mark II Marker Buoy

The Sur-Mark II buoy includes orange marking tape

Our price: $235.99

Taylor Made Sur-Mark Marker Buoy

The Sur-Mark regulatory buoy is molded from tough UV protected polyethylene

Our price: $321.99

Taylor Made Sur-Mark Marker Buoys - Marker Buoys

9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern, Monday - Friday

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