- Makes all boats go faster. SCATT keeps hulls
cleaner and efficient, reducing drag tremendously. Boats get up on plane
quicker. No ugly bottom paint.
- Reduces fuel consumption; less drag = less
fuel consumed. Top speed is faster.
- Keeps hulls cleaner. boats lighter, free of
barnacles, algae, lake and dock scum.
- Makes sails water resistant, lighter, more
efficient. Reduces sail damage.
- Is an excellent dry lubricant for sail
guides, luffs, sliding doors and windows/
- Prevents prop pitting. Protects fittings,
etc. from electrolysis, corrosion.
- No ugly, poisonous anti-foul paint to
discolor your boat.
How does it work?
SCATT is a dry film coating which aids
performance and minimizes or eliminates fouling. SCATT provides hulls and sails
with a colorless, durable, water-resistant, extremely low friction surface with
self cleaning anti-stick chrematistics. The film of water, which wets the
surface of an uncoated boat hull (and sails) adds to gross weight. SCATT
prevents this wetting, lets the surface film slide over the low friction
coating, reducing drag, increasing speed, and improving maneuvering. This low
friction surface minimizes adhesion of barnacles, worms, algae and dock scum;
what does stick can usually be washed away with a hose, or by wave action when
- 1 Quart will cover up to an 18' boat
- 2 Quarts will cover 24' to 28' boat
Two coats are recommended. SCATT is applied with
a trigger type spray bottle and a single application will normally last an
entire season. Apply SCATT over paint, varnish, even anti-fouling coatings,
after checking compatibility. SCATT is a flat, colorless barrier coat, not a
polish. Use on Sailboats, Powerboats, Jet Skis, Canoes, Waterskis and more!