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Boatersland Marine > Anchor/Docking > Taylor Made Fenders & Boat Bumpers > Taylor Made Pontoon Fenders & Bumpers

Taylor Made Pontoon Fenders & Bumpers

Taylor Made pontoon fenders have been uniquely designed for pontoon operators and these fenders are available at Boatersland Discount Marine Supplies. These pontoon fenders provide a level of protection that cannot be achieved by standard fenders. Taylor Made has designed these fenders to fit between the pontoon and the deck of the boat. This design has resulted in added protection for pontoons and boats from docks, boats and other objects. These fenders are constructed using Taylor Made’s proprietary, marine-grade, U.V. resistant vinyl. In addition, similar to Taylor Made’s Tuff End buoys and Super Gard fenders, these pontoon fenders have a rubber football style valve for easy inflation. These pontoon fenders measure nine inches by 16 inches. Taylor made has other products designed to protect pontoons, including the Fence Saver and Fence Saver II. These Fence Saver products secure to the fence or railing and have been manufactured to prevent contact between pontoons and aluminum fencing. The Fence Saver devices are 9’’ x 36’’ and are used to prevent damage that can occur when rafting a pontoon to a hull boat.

Pontoon boaters can also purchase 90 degree corner fenders by Taylor Made. These devices are available in two shapes for both 90 degree and radius style pontoon corners. The bumpers are installed over the factory installed corner section of the pontoon and are designed to provide impact protection when docking. The corner sections of these fenders are molded from special PVC designed to mimic the aluminum color of the pontoon. These corner fenders, both measuring 3’’ x 12’’, remain in place by using stainless steel fasteners.

Taylor Made 31035 Silver Pontoon Fender
Taylor Made Fence Saver
Taylor Made Pontoon Fender

Taylor Made 31035 Silver Pontoon Fender

Our price: $53.99

Taylor Made Fence Saver

List Price: $73.99 save 14%
Our price: $63.99

Taylor Made Pontoon Fender

List Price: $54.09 save 8%
Our price: $49.99

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Taylor Made Pontoon Fenders & Bumpers - Taylor Made Fenders & Boat Bumpers

9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern, Monday - Friday

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