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Boatersland Marine > Anchor/Docking > Anchors > Fortress Anchors

Fortress Anchors

In test after test, from coast to coast and from around the world, no anchor in history has been called ôThe World's Best Anchor by more boaters and respected marine experts than Fortress...and for good reason.

Years of research and development, high-tech materials and manufacturing and thousands of real world tests are your assurance of performance, quality, and value. Fortress weighs only half as much as heavier steel anchors and yet outperforms them all.

Why? Because the Fortress design does not depend upon weight to provide world class performance. All this adds up to your best value in anchoring safety and convenience.

Anchor Selection & Specifications Guide
Boat size recommendations are for boats of average windage and proportions in 30 knots of wind, average bottom conditions, and moderate protection from open seas. Remember that the loads in 42 knots of wind are twice as much as in 30 knots.

Use three-strand nylon rope, 6-12 ft (2-4 m) of chain and a minimum of 5:1 scope. Also, a minimum of 6 ft (2 m) of chain should be used for every 25 ft (8 m) of water depth. For storm conditions use an anchor one or two sizes larger.

Exclusively on Fortress...
FX-7 FX-11 FX-16 FX-23 FX-37 FX-55 FX-85 FX-125
Boat Length
ft 16'-27' 28'-32' 33'-38' 39'-45' 46'-51' 52'-58' 59'-68' 69'-150'
m 5-8 8-10 10-12 12-14 14-15 16-18 18-21 21-46
lb 4 7 10 15 21 32 47 69
kg 1.8 3.2 4.5 6.8 9.5 14.4 21.2 31.1
Replaces Steel Anchors
lb 6-9 10-13 14-18 19-28 33-50 50-65 70-90 100-170
kg 3-4 5-6 6-8 9-13 15-23 23-29 32-41 45-77
Model FX-7 FX-11 FX-16 FX-23 FX-37 FX-55 FX-85 FX-125
Working Load
lb 700 900 1.250 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,250 6,750
kg 318 408 567 907 1,351 1,814 2,381 3,062
32 Degree Hard Sand Holding Power lb 2,800 3,600 5,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 21,000 27,000
kg 1,270 1,633 2,268 3,629 5,443 7,258 9,536 12,247
45 Degree Soft Mud Holding Power lb 840 1,080 1,500 2,400 3,600 4,800 6,300 8,100
kg 381 490 680 1,089 1,633 2,177 2,858 3,674
32 Degree Soft Mud Holding Power lb 420 540 750 1,200 1,800 2,400 3,150 4,050
kg 191 245 340 544 816 1,089 1,429 1,837
Model FX-7 FX-11 FX-16 FX-23 FX-37 FX-55 FX-85 FX-125
"A" Shank Length
24" 27" 31" 36" 40" 46" 51" 56"
610 685 787 914 1,016 1,168 1,295 1,422
"B" Fluke Length
14" 16" 18" 21" 24" 27" 30" 33"
356 406 457 533 610 686 762 838
"C" Stock Length
19" 22" 25" 29" 32" 37" 41" 45"
483 559 635 737 813 940 1,041 1,143
FX-7 FX-11 FX-16 FX-23 FX-37 FX-55 FX-85 FX-125
Proof Coil Chain                  
in 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
mm 5 6 8 9 9 13 13 13
Nylon Rope** in 3/8" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1 1/4"
mm 9 9 13 16 19 22 25 32
Shackle Size in 1/4" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 5/8" 5/8"
mm 6 6 8 10 12 12 16 16
NOTE: Hard sand holding power figures above represent loads actually achieved on production FORTRESS and Guardian anchors under controlled horizontal pull conditions without dragging or resulting in disabling structural deformation.

** Rope recommendations are based on 25% of breaking strength. Rope must be in good condition.

Item # Description Price Order
FTSFX-16 Fortress Anchor 10lb For Boats 33-38'

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FTSFX-23 Fortress Anchor 15lb For Boats 39-45'

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FTSFX-37 Fortress Anchor 21lb For Boats 46-51'

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FTSFX-55 Fortress Anchor 32lb For Boats 52-58'

FTSFX-85 Fortress Anchor 47lb For Boats 59-68'
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FTSFX-7 Fortress Anchor 4lb For Boats 16-27'

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FTSFX-11 Fortress Anchor 7lb For Boats 28-32'

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FTSFX-125 Fortress Anchor Fx-125 For Boats 69-150'

FTSFX-11-AS Fortress FX-11 Anchoring Syste 250' 3/8" Line, 15' 1/4" G30
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FTSFX-7-AS Fortress FX-7 Anchoring System 250' 3/8" Line, 15' 1/4" G30
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FTSSFX-11 Fortress Stowaway Bag for Fx-11
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FTSSFX-16 Fortress Stowaway Bag for Fx-16
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FTSSFX-23 Fortress Stowaway Bag for Fx-23
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FTSSFX-37 Fortress Stowaway Bag for Fx-37
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FTSSFX-55 Fortress Stowaway Bag for Fx-55
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FTSSFX-7 Fortress Stowaway Bag For Fx-7
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FTSSFX-85 Fortress Stowaway Bag for Fx-85
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FTSSFX-125 Fortress Stowaway Bag for-125


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Fortress Anchors - Anchors

9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern, Monday - Friday

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