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Boatersland Marine > Marine Instruments > Faria Instruments > Faria Chesapeake SS White > Faria Chesapeake White SS Fuel Level Gauge E-1/2/F
  Faria Chesapeake White SS Fuel Level Gauge E-1/2/F
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Faria Chesapeake White SS Fuel Level Gauge E-1/2/F

Item #: FAR 13801




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In Stock - Ships the next business day.
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Fuel Level Gauge E-1/2/F Factory #: GP9373 Part #: 13801 Size: 2"

Above image is representative of our Style Chesapeake White SS and is not the actual gauge

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ALL products we sell are factory new and come with the full Manufacturers Warranty!

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Faria Chesapeake White SS Fuel Level Gauge E-1/2/F - Faria Chesapeake SS White

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